
Sack Lunches – Daughters of the King

Saturday, July 27, 9:20 am. St. Michael’s Kitchen

Daughters of the King, and guests, are welcome to come help make sack lunches to distribute to those in need.

Quarterly Meeting & Potluck

Sunday, July 28, after service. St. Michael’s Parish Hall

Stay tuned for a sign-up sheet to add your delicacies to our quarterly potluck! Parish leadership will take this opportunity to update the congregation on the state of the church, and take questions. Don’t miss it!

Service of Confirmation, Reception & Reaffirmation

Wednesday, August 21, 6 pm. St. Michael’s Nave

St. Michael’s at the K!

Saturday, August 24, 5:10 pm. Let’s cheer on the Royals together! Stay tuned for details.


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