Who We Are

our mission

We are called by Jesus and empowered by the Holy Spirit to know and worship God, and provide healing and hope to the world.

St. Michael’s members are from many walks of life and varied backgrounds. Some have come from other Christian denominations, some from no formal religious background and some from a life-long Episcopal heritage. Some of us have only been here a week, others were baptized and married in this church. But whatever our past, we gather each week because we believe we are called to the work of God’s Kingdom in this community.


St. Michael’s is a member of the Diocese of West Missouri, The Episcopal Church in the United States and the worldwide Anglican Communion. Our faith, rooted in Scripture, can be summarized in the ancient Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds. These beliefs find expression in the Episcopal Church in congregations with widely differing styles and emphases. As a result, people from many church backgrounds find the Episcopal Church to be a welcoming, supportive Christian community.

our beliefs

The Episcopal Church teaches that Scripture, Tradition, and Reason are to be used to develop our understanding of God and God’s actions in our lives and in the world. Our understanding of the Bible teaches that the Bible is the inspired word of God heard and written by human beings. The Scriptures reflect their particular understanding of God and how God acts. We encourage people to study and reflect on scripture; and to pray and listen for God’s discerning voice in their own lives.

We believe that we are part of God’s creation, created in the image of God, free to make choices, to love, to reason and to live in harmony with creation and with God.

We believe that Jesus is God’s Son, through whose death and resurrection, the way of eternal life is opened for us. Jesus’ life of loving service and sacrifice are models for living that heal us, reconcile our differences, overcome evil, create peace, and help us build joyful lives.

We believe that a relationship with God grows and matures as we pray, as we study Scripture, as we grow in relationships with others, and as we participate in the worship of God and in the sacraments given by God in the church. The Holy Spirit seeks to change us and develop in us the character of Christ.


Each Sunday and on other special days of the year, we gather to sing songs, to pray and to participate in the Holy Eucharist sometimes called the Lord’s Supper or Communion. We use the Book of Common Prayer or a worship booklet which contains the prayers and creeds from the Prayer Book.

We have Communion or Eucharist every week to fulfill Jesus’ command, “Do this as often as you gather in my name”. The Prayer Book contains prayers from the early church as well as contemporary prayers. The emphasis is on congregational participation. The word eucharist means to give thanks. So we gather each week to offer our praise and thanksgiving to God.



The Rev. Ryan Wiksell
Email | Phone

Lay Leaders

Mindy Swayne
Senior Warden
Interim Treasurer

Dwight Edwards
Junior Warden

Hazel Ann Barkie-Cox

come see us!

You are invited to worship with us on Sundays at 10 am. Please feel free to join us for All-Ages Education at 9 am before worship, or for any other event or activity. St. Michael’s is a place you can belong!

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