Thank you Truman Heartland!

St. Michael’s is extremely proud of our Necessity Pantry – a Jubilee Ministry of the Diocese of West Missouri!

And there are even more reasons to be proud than ever, because the Pantry now consistently serves over 1,000 individuals from the community with personal care and household items. The first Wednesday of September we served more than 750 in one day!

Another news item: On July 5 we were visited by a group of teenagers from the Youth Advisory Committee of the Truman Heartland Community Foundation. After a brief tour, and an opportunity to learn about what the Pantry does, they jumped in to volunteer filling bags for us. They were a polite and eager group of young people, and we hit it off so well, that out of 16 non-profits, they chose us to receive an award of $1,267! This money will go a long way toward serving our guests, as it always does. But perhaps even more important than the funds themselves, is the vote of confidence from a group of young people who experienced our outreach efforts first-hand. Thank you, Truman Heartland, and thank you, Youth Advisory Committee!

Here is a newsletter that explains more about their charitable activities: Youth Advisory Council Students Create Positive Change in Their Community.

The Truman Heartland Community Foundation’s Youth Advisory Council (YAC) is a “school of philanthropy” program that serves students from 10 different Eastern Jackson County High Schools. Their mission is to empower students to change their community through philanthropy. YAC defines philanthropy as “Improving the quality of life through our actions.”

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