Death By Comparison

“We are all just walking each other home” -Rumi The Bible was largely not written by, or for, people who had any real economic security. And it shows. I humbly submit the Lectionary readings from this last Sunday, September 24, 2023, as Exhibit A. The Old Testament reading is the passage from Exodus (16:2-15) about

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Radical Forgiveness

Jesus clearly believes that we will be held accountable, on some level, for the destructive choices we make. And Colin Tipping would agree, as would Rob Bell. The reality is, if we fear that our forgiveness will erase someone else’s accountability, then we need to look closer at what it actually means to forgive.

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Love Each Otter

We were created to live forever, delighting in our creator, in each other and in ourselves. Just like those otters were created to splash and play, we were hardwired from the beginning with that “genuine mutual love” that Peter writes about. That was our “imperishable seed”… but we didn’t want it.

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Cynics and Seekers

Jesus was plagued with cynics, but Thomas wasn’t one of them. Doubting Thomas used his doubt to dig deeper, to seek the Truth, come whence it may, cost what it will. But in his quest for the Truth, notice that Thomas wasn’t trying to prove a hypothesis, or win a bet. He wasn’t looking for data. He was looking for Jesus.

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